Hi Smoke,
My Poutine confession is that I hate poutine, I had it once when I was about eight years old and really hated it, just the thought of it now, turns my stomach. I am fine with that and realize that you don’t have to like poutine to be a good Canadian, however the confession part is yet to come.
It all started about four years, I had gone out on a bender to celebrate my birthday and it got really messy. I somehow made it through the night and woke the next morning in my bed. While in the bathroom, I glanced into the mirror and was horrified that my face was covered with some sort of dried brown stuff, paint, chocolate, pudding, I didn’t know. I am sure that you guessed it though, it was gravy! After some research and waking up this way several times, it became clear. Even though I hate poutine, every time I have too much to drink, I somehow make my way to a Smoke’s Poutinerie and hoover a poutine! Don’t know what this means but thought I’d share.
Drinking Buddies