Web Crawling
Dear Smoke, My parents think that I am Spiderman, help! -Wicked Web We Weave
Dear Smoke, My parents think that I am Spiderman, help! -Wicked Web We Weave
Dear Smoke, What was your first job? -Curious
Dear Smoke, I always wanted to be a surgeon, but I passed on it and became a drummer in a Death Metal band for the past ten years. I don’t want this lifestyle any longer and would like to finish school. The problem is, after years of abusive behavior and constantly drumming, my hands have […]
Dear Smoke, My Grandpa died and had a watch that I really liked. I asked Grammy for the watch, so I could have a piece of him with me always, but she said no, she wants to bury the watch with him. Not sure what to do, but he won’t need it and I really, […]
Dear Smoke, The person who sits behind me at work just STINKS! I’m talking the deepest pit of hell mixed with hummus. What should I do if I can’t move? -Needs Help!